Thursday, September 25, 2008

Relic for 500k

Ok having no life and free time last night I was rethinking about getting an Aegis, but I have no gil. To start a relic you naturally need to sponsor dynamis to get the most for your money. So my beginning fund would be 500k. Natural anyone would laugh at 500k for a relic but I found a way to do it in 54.5 weeks assuming you go 1/1 on both your dynamis items.

Base numbers
1 Byne Bills = 5k each
T Shells = 8k each
O Pieces = 8k each
wootz ore = 130k each
Average run yields 200 coins
Average 3 wootz ore per bastok run

The above numbers are the prices as of today on Leviathan server. Natural you have 500k to start with, and the first run is Dynamis-Sandoria. you spend your 500k to sponsor and you get 200 coins.

200*8k = 1.6M

so now you sell all the coins and have 1.6M you will can now sponsor all 3 other cities. which will come to a total of 2M, In that 2M you will make.

Dynamis-Sandoria 200*8k = 1.6M
Dynamis-Windurst 200*8k= 1.6M
Dynamis-Jeuno 200*7k=1.4M (this assumes all coins drop evenly which average to 7k a coin)
Dynamis-Bastok= 130k*3=390k + 200*5k= 1.39M, and due to the fact if it's 202 coins it's even 1.4M

so we end up with 6M. 6M-2M = 4M. So every 2 weeks you make 4M in profit.

Now it takes 175 hundred pieces and you make an average of 4 hundreds a week. 175/4 is 43.75, but we also can say we will get a 30 hundred loan for a relic which can be paid back almost instantly. So 145/4 is 36.25.

we will need 36.25M to complete our Relic through sponsoring.

making 4M every 2 weeks from dynamis, it's roughly 18 weeks to make 36M and the .25M can be gained through gods or a friend believing in you.

so 18 weeks to get the gil + 36.25 weeks to get the currency + 1 week for dynamis items. = 55.25 weeks. in fact the 1 week could be eliminated from careful planning and luck with good coins from xarc and glacier. which puts it at 54.25 weeks, or 54.5 weeks given how dynamis works.

Ok let's put these numbers on crack and say you have alot of Treasure Hunter and you get 300 coins a run average.

Then what you make per 2 weeks would change and the time to get enough coins to upgrade would change.

Dynamis-Sandoria 300*8k = 2.4M
Dynamis-Windurst 300*8k= 2.4M
Dynamis-Jeuno 300*7k=2.1M (this assumes all coins drop evenly which average to 7k a coin)
Dynamis-Bastok= 130k*3=390k + 300*5k= 1.89M, and due to the fact if it's 302 coins it's even 1.9M

so now in the 2 week period you make 8.8M-2M=6.8M

To save time lets again assume you get the loan and now your getting 6 hundreds a week. so 145/6=24.17 or 24.5 weeks

this means you need to make 24.5M to get your relic while making 6.8M every 2 weeks, it will take about 8 weeks to do this, which would yield 27.2M

so again 24.5 weeks +8 weeks + 1 week = 33.5 weeks from 500k investment to a relic. Now there and can be made 32.5 week with some luck on drops if you do northlands.

almost a 0% chance of a LS letting anyone do this so this is all theoretical but it's something to think about. also let's consider with this scenario, that you have a 2.7M overage from the gil farming runs. invest this into another LS run who makes 300 coins a run. 2.5 weeks cut off your time. making it 30-31 weeks. crazy what 500k could turn into if you have a good ls who wanted people to get relics and could be ok with just getting af every run. The only problem with the strategy is the changing of the prices and the fact selling 400-600 coins a week could be hard, so the could be a road block but under ideal conditions this could be done for a very limited time before prices adjust to what they realistically should be.

Monday, August 25, 2008

It's all different now

I've ignored this blog long enough. A lot of things have changed since the last entry. The biggest of the two is I quit Dreams and my girlfriend Julienne passed away. On the Dreams departure, I sometimes regret it but it probably was for the best in the end. They are great people and I wish them the best of luck in the game. On Julienne, I don't know where to begin. I've become lost without her. I feel like I've been looking for a woman to fill the void in my heart that was left by her death. Not a day goes by I don't think of her and wish she was still here on earth.

On another note, I now run my own LS. The LS feels like it's hanging on it's last lifeline lately with the losing of two of my constant members and more and more people starting school and missing events. I'm still widely disliked on the server so getting new members are hard to come by. We've done some great things with the people we have but it's frustrating not to be able to go to the next step of limbus is sky. I'll try to update this more as I get time but love live Equilibrium I hope.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

The update that needed to happen

So for weeks people have been asking me to update my blog. I guess they like the way I talk or something I don't know. I've honestly wanted to update the blog bt haven't had the time. There so much going on now in Dreams it's just crazy and even more stuff to come on Saturday with a Dynamis-Windurst and Proto-Omega. And then Sunday we get to fight Jailer of Love again. Also within the next week or two we will have a solid week of Fafhogg, so it should be fun to say the least. Anyways let' get to the heart of this update.

So things have gone great for all the lses connected to dreams. 3 members of dreams now have Askar Body, Congrats to Rysus, Drocan, and Pastulio. In iLimbus Taureg finished 5/5 on Nashira set so now he goes for my beloved Homam gear hehe. Gamover was the news member on the list of BLM who have Novio, and hopefully I will be there soon. We gotten two torques to celebrate about with Nipsy getting our first Justice Torque and Dimi getting our second Prudence Torque. Now his KC DRK is even sicker. Mermeladas got N head from one of the 2 Fafnirs we killed that didn't drop my Aegisjhalmr ; ;. No ther real big drops for other people I can think of, but soon we will get more.

Now it's time for me to talk about me. I've gotten two itemsI never thought I get wthout running a LS. I got Valor Surcoat AND Nashira Gages. I can't dscribe how happy I was to get those items. But nothing compares to my new girlfriend Julienne.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Dreams Becomes Reality

The last couple of weeks as had a bunch of shining spots for Dreams and iLimbus. We have done an Ultima run where I was up for Nashira Gages, but they didn't drop. So I guess Ryne will have to wait for his blowjob. But it should be noted a big congratulations to Taureg on Nashira Body, and Codie on iLimbus's second pair of Nashira legs. As greats as iLimbus's accomplishments were, I don't even think Dreams was ready for what was next.

Last week in Dreams, we started camping Fafnir. The first two days was very disappointing as Empire got a Fafnir and a Nidhogg while we had to sit and watch. It appeared that we would just Dream of our chance at Fafnir glory. The next day I had to convince our everyone to give it one more shot. Our moral was down due to the lost of claims and we believe that Fafnir would stay a dream. Thats when everything did a 180. I started to cast Flash on Fafnir waiting for it to say my target was claimed like the day before, but this time it didn't. This time it said Fafnir is Blinded. I did a double blink and saw Fafnir was indeed red to me. We wasted no time with sleeping Fafnir and worrying about setting up. Within the next 15 minutes, all of Dreams united with our Dreams realized and that it was indeed reality. In the end we got crap drops, but I did get the crap drop of A Feet ^^.

The next day we went in with high spirits, the LS known as AZ and all the rest of the notorious LS were at KB. Thats when Fafnir popped and Ertai our BLU pulled out a claim for us. We then rushed Fafnir again and within 14 minutes his life was put to an end. This time we got an Aegisjhalmr, E Hands, and another pair of A Feet. Infinittt was our first PLD with an Aegisjhalmr.

The proceeding day Fafnir popped while I was at class. I had almost talked myself into skipping Ethics, kinda of a irony in skipping ethics for a video game. Either way I went to class and I lived to regret it. I was told Nipsy and Kujo got claim on Fafnir and then Mermeladas dream was written down in a Dreams first... RIDILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We also got an N Head for our fearless yet comical leader Ryne, and also Aegisjhalmr for Bob. The following day we did not attended Fafnir due to timezones but one member did, and she ironically claimed our 4th Fafnir in a row... go Alizia!!!

You would think that would be the end of the story but it's not. In sea we got a Prudence Torque for our resident DRK Jontale and got Drocan a Temperence Torque. At our JoL we got our first Novia Earring and it went to Luckstar, but Ryne search for a Love Torque must wait atleast another 2 weeks. Over the last two weeks, Dreams is learning it potiental and we are well on our way for greatness.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Another Week Another Jailer of Love

So this week we went after another JoL, but the real excitment came with our Jailer of Prudence. This bastard didn't want to die today. He decided he wanted to kill Kujo prematurely and then came to join his brother in crime. At one point our Leader called a whip, but Dreams is too stubborn to wipe and wiping meant no JoL and no JoL meant that we couldn't fight to try to get Ryne's Love Torque. Dreams loves Ryne and that something we just couldn't do. So after several sac pulls people regroupped and the Prudence was killed.

Then it was time for the real fun, Jailer of Love. We did much better this time in a way, the first 50% was very smooth, but due to tank switching and unluck chamrs it got rough at the end. In the end it took us 2 hours and 45 minutes, and went down with no Love Torque. There was no climatic AV fight or anything even though we had another LS named Bourbon on standby for us to be the first to kill on Leviathan just in case. In the end JoL dropped a Novio Earring for our boy G. Congrats G and maybe you can let me borrow it sometime *wink*

Monday, February 4, 2008

Bob ftw!!!

If you thought that the title implied we killed alot of NMs, I'm sorry to disappoint you. It started with the need on an Ix'DRG. I was in serious need of sleep and Ix'DRG hunting it almost as bad as programming for 12 hours. We needed this NM for another try at Jailer of Love and another chance at Ryne's Love Torque. After an hour and a half the IX pops for us and within 3 minutes we had zerged it down. The next couple of sequences was made of win. It started with Ryne asking use what we wanted to do next and this is the reply:

Shortly after that we head to Jailer of Fortitude and pop it. The fight went very smoothly with no death and almost slept through it, and that when it happened!

W00t, I had predicted the future and Bob is now the proud owner of a Fortitude Torque, so Congrats Bob and let's get some more Dreams!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

The Beginning

I decided to come back to Leviathan after a 3-4 month stay at Midgardsormr. I was ran off of Leviathan before for helping RMTs. I don't know why I came back, maybe partly because a woman I was in love with said they come back, and partly because I was tired of the people of Midgard. There were some great people there but a majority of them were very immature and full of drama. Anyways that the preset of the return of Darton.

My first moments back to Leviathan were full of panic because of my rush back to Leviathan I had lost over 500k of equip to keeping items in my mog house. I had come back as more of a start and end at the same place, but I was going to try it again. After a week or so I ran into this dude name Gamover in an XP party. He was a haidateless NIN but I wasn't going to hold it against him. I told him I was interested in an all-purpose LS with more stuff gear towards sea and he pointed me in the direction of Dreams. I saw the leader of Dreams was this dude named Ryne, I remembered him but wasn't sure from where, I just knew he was one of the cool people. Three days after that I was finally in Dreams and my life on Leviathan was back! My first mission was in Dynamis in Sandy were we totally faced those Orcs, and then I was finally accepted. Since then things have been some sailing, and I haven't thought of leaving once, which I usually do within a few days in an NA LS.

Today was the first BIG test for the LS when they went for there first successful Jailer of Love. My job was to be a wrangler for JoL's summons. To be honest this was totally boring as I wanted to tank or be a SMN DD, but hey it for the good of the LS. After the first 9 sets of babies the DD went in and got a big cluster fuck of TP to JoL and nearly wiped us. After 30 minutes of wtfs, we settled down and go to work. Around 60% was the next big scare as Bob and Kujo (our tanks) both went down leaving me as the only PLD there, but having to be the wrangler it would of been too much trouble to try to disband from my group. thinking fast I told my RDM Rysus to take over my job and I went in and spammed Cure IVs and IIIs on anyone who was draw in by JoL as well as doing my JAs. It went unclaimed at this time but I knew if I was to claim it here it would cause even more trouble so I fought the urge to Flash it and eventually we recovered. The next 60% went smoothly and in a hour it was dead.

This is where the real fun began, as dictated at 20% of remaining life everyone was to pass items not to be lotted within 30 seconds of it's death. This request was failed by two members, with one of the members having a history of lotting after everyone passes to try to get an item, which is a practice known as ninja lotting. Maybe this fight may have not began if not for Absolute Virtue handing down justice! In a way I wonder if it popped for justice to be handed down and see where people truely thought of each other, irnoic you could say. Either way after that fight Dreams has lost 2 members and the total may go up, but in the end I think that it may help the LS, so we can find the true loyalities. As for the other person who didn't pass, he was killed quickly by AV and therefore unable to pass, and was forgiven.

To end my first post here is a small picture of our LS after RR'd posing with the one and only AV, and also a big shoutout to our big winners today Kujo on Novio Earring, and Alizia on our Love Halberd. Go Dreams!!!