Thursday, September 25, 2008

Relic for 500k

Ok having no life and free time last night I was rethinking about getting an Aegis, but I have no gil. To start a relic you naturally need to sponsor dynamis to get the most for your money. So my beginning fund would be 500k. Natural anyone would laugh at 500k for a relic but I found a way to do it in 54.5 weeks assuming you go 1/1 on both your dynamis items.

Base numbers
1 Byne Bills = 5k each
T Shells = 8k each
O Pieces = 8k each
wootz ore = 130k each
Average run yields 200 coins
Average 3 wootz ore per bastok run

The above numbers are the prices as of today on Leviathan server. Natural you have 500k to start with, and the first run is Dynamis-Sandoria. you spend your 500k to sponsor and you get 200 coins.

200*8k = 1.6M

so now you sell all the coins and have 1.6M you will can now sponsor all 3 other cities. which will come to a total of 2M, In that 2M you will make.

Dynamis-Sandoria 200*8k = 1.6M
Dynamis-Windurst 200*8k= 1.6M
Dynamis-Jeuno 200*7k=1.4M (this assumes all coins drop evenly which average to 7k a coin)
Dynamis-Bastok= 130k*3=390k + 200*5k= 1.39M, and due to the fact if it's 202 coins it's even 1.4M

so we end up with 6M. 6M-2M = 4M. So every 2 weeks you make 4M in profit.

Now it takes 175 hundred pieces and you make an average of 4 hundreds a week. 175/4 is 43.75, but we also can say we will get a 30 hundred loan for a relic which can be paid back almost instantly. So 145/4 is 36.25.

we will need 36.25M to complete our Relic through sponsoring.

making 4M every 2 weeks from dynamis, it's roughly 18 weeks to make 36M and the .25M can be gained through gods or a friend believing in you.

so 18 weeks to get the gil + 36.25 weeks to get the currency + 1 week for dynamis items. = 55.25 weeks. in fact the 1 week could be eliminated from careful planning and luck with good coins from xarc and glacier. which puts it at 54.25 weeks, or 54.5 weeks given how dynamis works.

Ok let's put these numbers on crack and say you have alot of Treasure Hunter and you get 300 coins a run average.

Then what you make per 2 weeks would change and the time to get enough coins to upgrade would change.

Dynamis-Sandoria 300*8k = 2.4M
Dynamis-Windurst 300*8k= 2.4M
Dynamis-Jeuno 300*7k=2.1M (this assumes all coins drop evenly which average to 7k a coin)
Dynamis-Bastok= 130k*3=390k + 300*5k= 1.89M, and due to the fact if it's 302 coins it's even 1.9M

so now in the 2 week period you make 8.8M-2M=6.8M

To save time lets again assume you get the loan and now your getting 6 hundreds a week. so 145/6=24.17 or 24.5 weeks

this means you need to make 24.5M to get your relic while making 6.8M every 2 weeks, it will take about 8 weeks to do this, which would yield 27.2M

so again 24.5 weeks +8 weeks + 1 week = 33.5 weeks from 500k investment to a relic. Now there and can be made 32.5 week with some luck on drops if you do northlands.

almost a 0% chance of a LS letting anyone do this so this is all theoretical but it's something to think about. also let's consider with this scenario, that you have a 2.7M overage from the gil farming runs. invest this into another LS run who makes 300 coins a run. 2.5 weeks cut off your time. making it 30-31 weeks. crazy what 500k could turn into if you have a good ls who wanted people to get relics and could be ok with just getting af every run. The only problem with the strategy is the changing of the prices and the fact selling 400-600 coins a week could be hard, so the could be a road block but under ideal conditions this could be done for a very limited time before prices adjust to what they realistically should be.

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